Monday, May 7, 2012

What’s right? Or what’s popular?

Remember, about half of these were written after midnight...  (and I wrote like 5 of them like that in one night) So if they don't quite make sense... or whatever.  Then yeah, that's why. :D 

The age old political question:  Should they vote for what’s right, or what’s popular?  Now, you might immediately say, “Duh, what’s right” But really this could be: vote for what YOU think or vote for what the people who elected you think. It sounds different now, doesn’t it?  

Well, there are arguments for both sides, for instance the second option, what the people want, brings up an excellent point when they say that if a politician votes for something other than what the people want then he’s betraying them, betraying their trust!  They voted for him because he said that he’s vote for what they wanted.  And he didn’t.  

But, the other side says, under this argument, we would just elect easily controlled men into congress, the wimpy ones who are willing to bend if we pressure them.  What we want is to elect someone who we agree with and who won’t sway just because the people disagree.  The people don’t often know what’s good for them, though it’s good for them to elect people since it gives them some control. 

The other side would counter with an argument like this: But why hold elections at all then?  I mean sure, so we can choose men who we like, but if they’re just going to do what they like then it’s all pointless, the point of democracy is that the people choose!  

But here, I think, is the clincher, the winning answer, the reason why I believe that men should follow their conscious:  What is a man, but what he thinks?  If he gives that up, then he is no longer a man, but is a puppet.  The point of a republic is to let good, honest men be elected and have them go with what they believe to be right. Men are meant to follow what they believe, not to sway to the whims of a mob. 
If politicians followed their hearts I think that we’d have a much better government, and we’d be able to rise up much better, and succeed ad a country.