Well.... that goal sort of went out the window :P
But yeah, anyways, I'm finally caught up and school and am reading a very good book! :D
So, I will alternate between writing journal type posts, sort of just updates on what I'm doing so that I won't forget in a year... and writing down epiphanies that I have, and putting some of my book up.
Also, each time I post I'm going to recommend an awesome book.... just in case anyone ever actually reads this :D
so the epic book that I've read recently is Fahrenheit 451 by . IT IS AWESOME. I've read it three times in the last two years and have loved it each time. It's set in a future world in which the government doesn't let anyone read books. (thus the name Fahrenheit 451 since thats the paper at which paper burns)
And in the way of epiphanies I haven't had many... But yesterday (Sunday) I bore my testimony about the spirit, so thats what I'll talk about. The spirit is the essence of happiness. When we have it, we're happy, when we don't have it, we are not happy, I believe that its as simple as that. The reason that we associate happiness with holidays is that on those days we are with good families and friends and felt the spirit. There are saome books that have amazing endings or themes that I felt the spirit during, and I loved those books.
Thus ends Nathans first post. Hopefully the next one will be much less random and much more readable. :D