This blog will be where I record my Journey. My search for light, my search for truth.
Friday, December 16, 2011
...I think I can make it.
I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. Its nowhere close and the tunnel is caving in around me, but I think I can do it.
That's pretty much how I feel right about now, all semester I've been walking through a lit tunnel knowing that I'd eventual reach the end, but all of a sudden, the lights turned off and the rumblings started, then I realized how far I really was from the exit. I coulden't see the end and rocks were starting to fall around me, I started jogging, but I figured that the rubblings were not that bad and the end was just around a corner, and then I found a map, and I realized that I was NOT anywhere close, in fact, I didn't think that I'd get out in time. I started jogging again, I was to tired to run, I wasn't used to it, I was "out of shape" so to speak and then I decided, if I want to even get close to getting out, I've got to run. So I started running, by this time there were rocks falling everywhere, and, looking back I noticed that the tunnel had collapsed behind me (by the noise, or maybe a torch in the wall or something. ) so I started running for my life. it was all dark, no hope of getting out, since the cave in was right behind me. and then about two hours ago I saw the light. and I put on a burst of speed, I have to finish. I have to get out. The cave is collapsing right on my shoulders, but I won't stop running, its going to be WAY to close, but I'll make it. And it will make me feel awesome.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
And I don't mean the ethnicity, because there isn't really an American race, American is a viewpoint, a state of being, a mind set.
I would say that moral must be on the list, since that is an American thing especially. Patriotism, definitely. Education, bravery, honor and determination?
Well, who was the first, "American?" Was it the first colonist? Was it one of the founding fathers? It can't just be anyone, it has to be someone who embodies all of these traits almost perfectly. Well, let be read off some traits: Strong, yet understanding, smart, wise, he loved liberty, he did not like killing, but did it anyways, for his country, he was thankful for his blessings and accepted that they came from God, he was very, very righteous. He worked to support his family, and then helped others in his spare time. Like the Founding Fathers he swore an oath to protect his countries liberty even to the loss of his life. Who is this man, this man who so perfectly embodies all of these traits, these things that are at the very core of being "American" The man of whom I speak is Moroni. Yes, Moroni, I believe, was the first true American, Perhaps there have been others like him, in fact, if there haden't I would be extremely surprised, but of all the men like that, he was noticed, because he was there at a time where his type was needed. His enemies were stirred up by the devil working through men to fight against his country, but he stood up and with a few other spiritual giants 'shook the foundations of Hell.' We should strive to be more American, more like Moroni.
*epic scripture alert*
Alma 48:17
"Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday.
Oh, wait, I've never been to Black Friday, and don't plan on it :D
Actualy. today I'm going to be snowmachining around with my dad, siblings and some friends. We're going to set up a trap line...
But yeah, that should be fun :D
A book that I'm reading at the moment is A Tale of Two Cities. I read about half of it before, and I didn't like it much then... It was about a year ago. But this year I'm enjoying it a lot!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Be thankful. Be thankful for everything, not just the good things. Be thankful for the car trouble, you have a car. Be thankful for the dirty house, you have a house. :D Just a little reminder.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
!7th Amendment.
How did the 17th Amendment mess up the balance of powers? Because originally the states had a lot of say since they sent people to congress but not they completely lost a house in government. Since then the National government has gotten much more powerful than the states. But, if the 17th amendment was repealed it would start to bring the balance of power back. Also, if the obamacare case gets ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court that would be a huge step for the states, showing that the national government does not reign supreme.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I like to think that if everyday was like this then I could actually get some work done.... as it is I have to drive into the highschool every day and waste half my day doing choir. :/
And I LOVE choir! its so fun!! but I'm thinking about not doing it next semester so I can really do some awesome school stuff.
But yeah! :D
at the moment I'm reading a Tale of two cities. I've read about half of it before.... and it was okay, I read a summary and think that it SHOULD be awesome.... but he's so long winded :P
Thursday, November 17, 2011
1:59 AM
(About two hours till the firing of the Uzbekistan death ray)
Srethneth Ran down the hall. He couldn’t be caught. The fate of the United States depended on him being able to find the Sophiastone. The Sophiastone or sometimes called the wisdom giver held the collective knowledge of 88 years of human civilization stored within it. Now the Neo-Romans had control of it. They had used the information within to create a giant gun that fired a projectile that could wipe the entire USA off the face of the earth. It wasn’t nuclear, that haven’t been used for YEARS. It was a Nano-biological weapon that killed only human life, if the shockwave of Nano’s hit you they immediately traveled to your brain and sliced the part that kept you alive, the part that told your heart to keep beating. The worst thing was that these Neo-Romans had some way of controlling the Nano-bots; they could make them stay in America, or just drop dead when they were done…
He had short blond hair. He was tall and skinny, but he wasn’t scrawny. He was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket over it. He had been in here for hours, walking through hallway after metal hallway. Finally, he turned a corner and there it was, the door he had been looking for. He typed the code that he had been given and it smoothly slid into the wall. It opened into a stairwell traveling upwards. He took the steps two at a time and then stopped before the door at the top. Oddly, the door was made of wood, not metal. Taking out a long thin piece of metal he inserted it into the crack between the door and the doorframe. Looking like it melted into the crack the metal instrument molded itself into a shape that would fit and the end of it barely peaked out the other end. Srethneth tapped into the little camera with his glasses and saw what was in the room. Seven guards surrounded a man at a computer; he was typing commands into a control tab. He glanced at his watch, 2:34, it said. Only an hour and a half left. He pulled a gun out of its holster. It was a semi-automatic pistol, holding 13 bullets one more than the standard version. Some Men preferred the newer Lasers and, while they were okay for cutting through armor, a shielded mirror could stop them. He pulled the metal rod out of the door and inserted the other end into the lock.
He spun to the side of the door as seven gunshots rang out and punctured the wooden door. As chance would have it, one had smashed through the doorknob and blown the door open. Srethneth dived into the room and fired seven shots in quick succession. After the seventh guard fell to the earth with a bullet hold in his chest Srethneth turned his attention to the man in the chair by the computer, and immediately dived out of the way. The sound of a gun firing echoed off the walls and there was a sharp pain in Srethneth’s right hand. His gun having flown out of his hand when it was shot the invader dived towards the new opponent. Before the small gun could be reloaded for another shot The computer man was face down on the ground, hands pined behind his back. “Hello TeZensor” Srethneth said. “Hello good sir. And how do you do this fine, fine morning?” TeZensor looked old, perhaps in his sixties. He had snow white hair and a small beard, and he was wearing a purple suit coat. “Good.” Replied Srethneth, “But I’d be better if my hand didn’t have a hole in it!” taking out a pair of grav-cuffs he secured TeZensor’s hands and then looked at his own. The bullet hole was right in-between two bones. Yet, miraculously, the bullet had not touched either one. He attached a Nano-Band-Aid to it and hoped that it would heal fast enough for him to use sometime soon….
and thats all I have for now
Monday, November 7, 2011
The first step.
But yeah, anyways, I'm finally caught up and school and am reading a very good book! :D
So, I will alternate between writing journal type posts, sort of just updates on what I'm doing so that I won't forget in a year... and writing down epiphanies that I have, and putting some of my book up.
Also, each time I post I'm going to recommend an awesome book.... just in case anyone ever actually reads this :D
so the epic book that I've read recently is Fahrenheit 451 by . IT IS AWESOME. I've read it three times in the last two years and have loved it each time. It's set in a future world in which the government doesn't let anyone read books. (thus the name Fahrenheit 451 since thats the paper at which paper burns)
And in the way of epiphanies I haven't had many... But yesterday (Sunday) I bore my testimony about the spirit, so thats what I'll talk about. The spirit is the essence of happiness. When we have it, we're happy, when we don't have it, we are not happy, I believe that its as simple as that. The reason that we associate happiness with holidays is that on those days we are with good families and friends and felt the spirit. There are saome books that have amazing endings or themes that I felt the spirit during, and I loved those books.
Thus ends Nathans first post. Hopefully the next one will be much less random and much more readable. :D
Friday, June 3, 2011
The begining of many Journeys
this blog is for spouting stuff, just talking to air, and perhaps posting some of my book...
I will probably try to write here somewhat regularly as well...