Tuesday, November 29, 2011


What Attributes or, qualities, would you use to describe an, "American"
And I don't mean the ethnicity, because there isn't really an American race, American is a viewpoint, a state of being, a mind set.
I would say that moral must be on the list, since that is an American thing especially. Patriotism, definitely. Education, bravery, honor and determination?
Well, who was the first, "American?" Was it the first colonist? Was it one of the founding fathers? It can't just be anyone, it has to be someone who embodies all of these traits almost perfectly. Well, let be read off some traits: Strong, yet understanding, smart, wise, he loved liberty, he did not like killing, but did it anyways, for his country, he was thankful for his blessings and accepted that they came from God, he was very, very righteous. He worked to support his family, and then helped others in his spare time. Like the Founding Fathers he swore an oath to protect his countries liberty even to the loss of his life. Who is this man, this man who so perfectly embodies all of these traits, these things that are at the very core of being "American" The man of whom I speak is Moroni. Yes, Moroni, I believe, was the first true American, Perhaps there have been others like him, in fact, if there haden't I would be extremely surprised, but of all the men like that, he was noticed, because he was there at a time where his type was needed. His enemies were stirred up by the devil working through men to fight against his country, but he stood up and with a few other spiritual giants 'shook the foundations of Hell.' We should strive to be more American, more like Moroni.

*epic scripture alert*

Alma 48:17
"Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."

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